Poster con mi foto
Para crear el poster o fotomural con tu foto, sube tu imagen,escribe las medidas en las que lo quieres, selecciona el recorte proporcional , selecciona el material , y si estás conforme con la vista y el precio, realiza la compra. Tal y como lo has seleccionado rebirás a domicilio el poster con tu foto.

Confirme que es esta parte de la foto la que desea. Si no es así, pulse cancelar y seleccione de nuevo arrastrando el rectánculo que aparece sobre la imagen del producto.
We already know the sleepy animals, like the lazy sleeping between 9 and 10 hours a day, which is exceeded by the koala, which can sleep up to 15 hours a day. Although the award for most sleeper-take the brown bat (Myotis longipes) arriving to sleep for 20 hours a day. But, guess what? There's one that goes well beyond and can sleep up to three years. Incredible, right? This is the snail, as it can sleep for three years, and a regular nap for him is one week.
Just look someone who is shivering with cold may cause a decrease in our body temperature. According to a new scientific research is a phenomenon that has been called "contagion temperature"
It is believed that this is due to mirror neurons, brain cells are activated both when done and a particular action is observed.
So says a new study published in the journal roceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, as the Italians to run back burn twice the calories researchers, and not only that there are other benefits. While it is true that running reverse consumes more power, 30 percent more, but the benefits are many, including improved balance and we recover from injuries that are common among athletes. The reason is that hit softer soil if straight run.
We are talking about the brain can interpret about 77 different images that the eye sees just one second, that is, some 4,615 images in a minute. Fast enough, right ?.
The image is picked up by the brain and can continue to be processed by more time to identify the elements that are presented in it. So to say it is marked in our brain if only we have taken a look.
This is because in Japanese culture 4 and 9 are considered unlucky. As explained number 4 is pronounced almost like the word "death", and the number 9 as the word "pain". For reasons of pronunciation in some hospitals there is no room number 42 (shi-ni) and that is bad omen and can be the expression meaning "prepare to die". And motherhood is not even pronounce 43 (shi-zan) because it sounds like "stillbirth". This is curious considering that the Japanese claim not live in fear of the superstitions.
That is, over the years our body changes and our brain is no exception. But there is no reason for panic not really lost much. It is said to be only 15%, which is reduced from 20 to 80 years. This is because there comes a time that neurons fail to regenerate and repair mechanisms become less effective.
Is there a way to stop it? You can not totally avoid, although it may slow the rate of brain shrinkage. The secret, according to experts, is to stay physically active and between 70 and 80 years.